My name is Evelyn Marinoff. I am a writer, a social introvert, a passionate reader, a world traveler, a mother of a beautiful boy, a runner, and a devoted psychology research enthusiast. I also have an MBA and currently work in client consulting.
I started this website driven by my life-long battle with low self-esteem. After years of suffering and looking for ways to boost my confidence, I have come to realize that low sense of worth is an enemy that shouldn’t be underestimated. Nor taken lightly. And it will not go away on its own.
Low sense of self-worth is often the main problem behind many of our other life problems. It impedes everything that we strive for. It casts a dark shadow over our future. Over time, it has the power to very successfully kill all our dreams.
Lack of self-esteem is barely the new kid on the block in psychology. Although the science is still evolving, the notion remains elusive to pin down. There is not “a one-sizer” for all and it’s also very subjective for each one of us– it’s a blend of our individual histories, backgrounds, family upbringing, race, gender, geographical location even.
And although scientists can’t quite settle yet on what a balanced confidence looks and feels like (and if we should pursue it altogether, for this matter), they tend to agree that confidence is a desirable trait to have—so that we can lead more fulfilling lives, be mentally and physically healthy, and generally feel good about our place in the world.
The beautiful thing is that we ourselves have the power to bring all these benefits to our lives.
Take this for a validation. Research estimates that 29% to 40% of self-esteem is hereditary, it’s nature. The remaining– some modest 60% to 70%–develops by nurturing.
This is great news! It means that we have the potential to influence up to 70% of our fate. In terms of probabilities, I think that’s pretty darn good odds at success.
Over the years, I have spent a great amount of time reviewing the latest research in psychology and science–learning, trying out what may work for me, finding out what doesn’t. It took a while to re-gain self-love and acceptance, and to acknowledge that putting myself down every day is not the way to motivate myself to fare better and to feel good. On the contrary!
I want to share with you all the wisdom I have collected in time, to help you get on with your own journey of self-worth discovery.
I hope this blog can offer you the best of two worlds— a blend of real-life experiences and the science about learning to accept and love the man in the mirror again.
And I hope I can help you to find your own voice in the crowd.
Thank you for being here.