With the cheer of Christmas upon us, it’s that time of the year again when magic comes alive and along with it– the feelings that everything is possible, if you truly believe it. With the New Year looming ahead of us, our goals, dreams and aspirations become our main priority again. We want to write …
Have you ever wished you were a wizard? The kind that can wave his/her wand, pronounce few words and make something happen? No, this is not a trick question. Nor it’s a test on your knowledge of the Harry Potter books either. Although we primarily think of “magic words” as a purely fictional idea, this …
Unequivocally, there’s value to be gained in being our true selves, in pursuing our goals as our true selves, or succeeding and being loved and respected as our true selves. But, is being our raw unscripted versions really such a good idea?
“Presence” is a delightful book. It’s packed with good advice, scientific evidence, and inspiring stories of people who have overcome various adversities in life, only to become stronger. Along the way, they have also acquired a precious skill—the ability to command respect and inspire others, only with their presence.
Success and confidence can come from different sources, we all know this, some more prevalent or lasting than others. We often think that the “pursuit of more” will bring us greater satisfaction — that if we are the fairest and the richest in the land, our sense of worth will sky-rocket and will stay up forever. And when it doesn’t, we are thrown in a turmoil of disappointment and dissatisfaction.
Have you ever felt stuck in life? Here are three approaches you can undertake to help yourself find your genuine calling in life.
Have you ever been caught up in the self-loathing spinning wheel when you allowed everything unfavourable you believed about yourself to come up to the surface, to the point that you saw yourself as the most unworthy or flawed person on the planet? “You are so stupid,” “You are ugly,” “You are a failure,” “You …
“Supersurvivors” is a wonderful and emotional book, full of hope, inspiration, wisdom, and nonetheless—lots of research form the wellness space. Written by David B. Feldman, Ph.D—an associate professor from Santa Clara University in the U.S. and Lee Daniel Kravetz—a post-graduate fellow from Stanford University, journalist, psychologists and a wellbeing speaker, the book is nothing short …
To receive love and respect from others, you must give them to yourself first. Become your biggest supporter and advocate. And the world will follow suit.
I’m a sleeper. There, I said it. It sounds like a guilty pleasure, I know. Like some kind of a closet hedonism I like indulging into. I even feel a bit embarrassed as I write this so openly. But, hey, despite the risk of being annoying, I think it’s worth repeating it again— I like …