Building self-esteem is like acquiring any other skill—learning to ride a bike, for example. Small efforts will bring greater benefits for the years to come. In the long term, the “reward ratio” (reward compared to effort) of this “self-investment” –taking the steps to improve our confidence – —will far surpass that of any stock on …
Self-inflicted mental boundaries lead to self-restrictive thinking. Thinking and acting small, in turn, makes us feel small and insignificant. But remember, you do matter. Dare to dream big, dare to act, dare to craft the life you want ❤ ~Evelyn
We rarely directly link confidence and happiness. However, a vast amount of research tells is that a rather deep friendship exists between the two. Namely, higher confidence leads to greater happiness.
Our personal brand is the most valuable commodity we have. We have to take good care of it, nurture it, groom it, plan its future carefully, and constantly develop it…
Letting our value be shaped by others’ approval is a sure path to anxiety, insecurity and disappointment. Remember- you don’t need other people to tell you how much you are worth!
Confidence Hack #5 for 2018: We often tend to forget that healthy self-esteem starts with the “self,” with focusing on ourselves, with making ourselves happy first. So this year, practice more self-care. The best gift we can give to ourselves is learning an unconditional self-acceptance. Remember: “Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.”
For the next five days, I will be sharing my top tips on how to make 2018 your most confident year yet. Here’s my 4th confidence hack…
For the next five days, I will be sharing my top tips on how to make 2018 your most confident year yet. Here’s my 2nd confidence hack…
For the next five days, I will be sharing my top tips on how to make 2018 your most confident year yet. Here’s my first confidence hack…
“Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.” ~Plato A few weeks ago, I was standing in front of a mirror in the women’s bathroom at work. I could feel the cold sweat down my spine and was angry for not being able to gain a better control of myself. I attempted …