Success and confidence can come from different sources, we all know this, some more prevalent or lasting than others. We often think that the “pursuit of more” will bring us greater satisfaction — that if we are the fairest and the richest in the land, our sense of worth will sky-rocket and will stay up forever. And when it doesn’t, we are thrown in a turmoil of disappointment and dissatisfaction.
For anyone who hasn’t read the book, I would recommend that you go to the bookstore and buy it right now. It’s one of these titles that are pretty much on every “10-books-everyone-needs-to-read-in-their-lifetime” list. And it’s well worth the time. It’s written by two prominent minds in the field of neuroscience. Andrew Newberg, M.D., is …
Our bodies, we tend to forget, are just the mere hosts of our large personalities. Judging the quality and worth of our characters by the outer shells we were given is, to state the least, the most limited narrative of who we truly are, suggesting we are our looks. Think about it – Do you …
To have confidence is to believe that we can influence our fate; that we have control over our outcomes; that we can make a difference in our lives… Because we do! ?⠀
Confidence is…not afraid to be ourselves, to show our true colours to the world. To stand out, to have our voices heard, we have to be different and unique in some way. And we all are. Don’t try to hide it by wanting to be “like everyone else.” Because you are not. Celebrate it. Be proud …
Not too long ago, I was caught-up in a spinning wheel. I would go through the motions every day at work—the emails, the small chats in the hallways, the back-to-back meetings, the one-on-ones with my manager strategizing about my career. And I would feel completely unmoved. At first, it didn’t feel out of sync. After …