Have you ever wished you were a wizard? The kind that can wave his/her wand, pronounce few words and make something happen? No, this is not a trick question. Nor it’s a test on your knowledge of the Harry Potter books either. Although we primarily think of “magic words” as a purely fictional idea, this …
Success and confidence can come from different sources, we all know this, some more prevalent or lasting than others. We often think that the “pursuit of more” will bring us greater satisfaction — that if we are the fairest and the richest in the land, our sense of worth will sky-rocket and will stay up forever. And when it doesn’t, we are thrown in a turmoil of disappointment and dissatisfaction.
Have you ever felt stuck in life? Here are three approaches you can undertake to help yourself find your genuine calling in life.
“Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.” Albert Camus Not too long ago, I was assigned to lead a fairly large project at work. It involved heavy interactions with various departments, endless meetings, lots of brainstorming exercises, and more importantly—a need for a skillful and charismatic leader, who can build …
It’s not always easy to believe in yourself and to stay positive—we all have been there—talking ourselves out of making a change because it requires too much effort and no guarantees of success. Taking a risk is scary—it may be just better to dwell in our current state and hope for fate to smile …
We rarely directly link confidence and happiness. However, a vast amount of research tells is that a rather deep friendship exists between the two. Namely, higher confidence leads to greater happiness.
We all know that the Big Five personality traits—openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism—are important personality-determinants. Their varying combination in each of us dictates why we evolve to become who we are. And up until recently, scientists believed that we can’t do a single thing to change this. Or, as the saying goes …